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전체 글258

A BITTERSWEET LIFE (2005) A BITTERSWEET LIFE (2005) One fine spring day... a disciple looked at some branches blowing in the wind. He asked his master... "Master, are the branches moving or is it the wind?" Not even glancing to where his pupil was pointing... the master smiled and said... "That which moves is neither the branches nor the wind..." "It's your heart and mind." Sunwoo, you should go downstairs for a moment. .. 2020. 5. 27.
A BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS (2019) ♪ Sleigh bells ring ♪ ♪ Are you listening? ♪ ♪ In the lane ♪ ♪ snow is glistening ♪ ♪ A beautiful sight ♪ ♪ We're happy tonight ♪ ♪ Walking in a winter wonderland ♪ So nice of everyone to agree to celebrate Christmas early. No one can say "no" to you, Willow. Well, I'm not sure that that's true, but it has come to my attention that a tin of Christmas cookies can make all of the difference when.... 2020. 5. 26.
실종 34시간째 : 엘리트들 ELITE 시즌 2 에피소드 2 대본 실종 34시간째 : 엘리트들 ELITE 시즌 2 에피소드 2 대본 마리나가 어떻게 죽었는지 알아내야 한다. 진실을 밝히기 위해서 카를라에게 접근하는 샤무엘. 전학생 카에타나가 계략을 써서 그 애의 집으로 찾아가는데.... 대본 And your brother got her pregnant? The one that's in prison? But he didn't kill her. The key is around Carla. Carla's that little marchioness, right? The one with nice, tight tits. Yes. And there was I thinking I'd be bored at this school. [laughs] Your left. Your right... 2020. 5. 26.
A BIT OF BAD LUCK (2014) A BIT OF BAD LUCK (2014) I had the world by the balls Want details? Okay. I had more money than I knew what to do with. A respected lawyer. In demand. And my wife. Was beautiful. From a wealthy family of timber barons. And then... I threw it all away. BROOKS: Honey, please, put the gun down. AMANDA: Who is she? BROOKS: There's no one. 2020. 5. 26.
CHAPTER SEVEN: THE BATHTUB 기묘한 이야기 시즌 1 에피소7 미드 무료대본 CHAPTER SEVEN: THE BATHTUB . 기묘한 이야기 시즌 1 에피소 7 미드 무료 대본 전체 Story 2016년에 시작된 미드 미국의 한 마을에서 한 소년이 행방불명이 되고 이상한 능력을 가진 소녀가 마을에 나타나게 된다. 이후 마을에 계속해서 이상한 일들이 일어나게 되는데... 제7장: 욕조 일레븐은 윌과 접촉하려고 노력하고 루카스는 나쁜 사람들이 오고 있음을 직감한다. 낸시와 조나단은 경찰에게 조나단의 카메라에 찍힌 사진을 보여주게 되는데... MIKE: [SIGHS] That’s better. You don’t need it. Still pretty? Yeah! Pretty. Really pretty. El? Yes? [STAMMERS] Um, I’m happy you’re home.. 2020. 5. 25.
A BELLE FOR CHRISTMAS (2014) A BELLE FOR CHRISTMAS This big one. No, no, she can't have that. What is it, Pheebs? What is it? A microscope! Excellent. Did you want that? - Yes? - Yes. How does he know what you want? You must have been such a good girl. Did Santa get it right? Yes. Right, Elliot, anything for you, buddy? Well, I think we might have one more. Maybe. It might be this one. This is what Santa gives you. I love y.. 2020. 5. 25.
CHAPTER SIX: THE MONSTER 기묘한 이야기 시즌 1 ep 6 대본 CHAPTER SIX: THE MONSTER 기묘한 이야기 시즌 1 ep 6 대본 전체 줄거리. 2016년 미국 드라마 인디애나 주의 호킨스라는 마을에서 한 소년이 행방불명이 된다. 그 이후 이상한 미스터리 한 소녀가 출현하게 되고 마을에서는 이상한 일들이 일어나는 스토리를 그려낸 미드. 제 6장: 괴물 낸시가 사라지자 조나단은 그녀를 찾으려고 노력한다. 스티브 또한 낸시를 애타게 찾는다. 호포와 조이스는 정부의 비밀 실험에 대한 진실을 파헤치는데... JONATHAN: Nancy! [PANTING] Nancy! Come on, come on. Nancy! Where are you? NANCY: [ECHOING] Jonathan! Jonathan! Jonathan! Jonathan, I’m right h.. 2020. 5. 24.
A BEE IN AUGUST (2007) A BEE IN AUGUST (2007) In August, Flies Are Fat. That's how my brother Haris named his book. The book touches upon all matters: 9/11, Gandhi, global warming... The accompanying DVD includes scenes from our vacation. I'll read you an extract. "Did you ever wonder what makes a novel a best seller? "Maybe, a story based on real facts." "Yet, Galileo got into trouble proving the heliocentric theory... 2020. 5. 24.