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The One Where No One Proposes 프랜즈 시즌 9 영문 대본 섀도잉

by #(*&$*(@&# 2020. 6. 6.

The One Where No One Proposes 

프랜즈 시즌 9 영문 대본 섀도잉

Rachel: Joey.

(He turns to face Rachel on one knee with the box open.)

Rachel: (seeing the ring) Oh my God. (Pause) Okay.

(Joey is stunned.)

[Cut to Ross getting of an elevator carrying a bouquet of flowers and walking down the hall to Rachel’s room.]

[Cut back into Rachel’s room.]

Rachel: So uh…I guess we should…make it official huh?

Joey: Uh… Look Rach…(Ross enters.) Hey Ross is here! Hey look! It’s my good friend Ross. Hey Ross.

Ross: Hey Joey. (To Rachel) Hey you.

Rachel: Hey you.

Joey: Hey and look he brought flowers. Thanks Ross, but I’m really more of a candy guy. (Laughs.)

Ross: You’re weird today. (He turns to Rachel and Joey puts the ring back.) (To Rachel) Listen I uh, wanted to talk to you about something.

Rachel: Uh yeah, actually I kinda need to talk to you too.

Ross: Uh Joey, can you give us just a minute?

Joey: No.

Ross: What?

프렌즈(미국드라마) 전시즈 Season09_Script.doc

