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GAME CHANGER 모던패밀리 시즌 1 에피소드 19 (무료대본)

by #(*&$*(@&# 2020. 6. 1.

GAME CHANGER  모던패밀리 시즌 1 에피소드 19 (무료대본)


Today Sam Riley
kicked a soccer ball...

and it hit another kid so hard
his eye popped out.


His eye popped out.

Never mind.
[Phil] Well, gotta hit
the sack. Big Saturday tomorrow.

That's right.
It's somebody's birthday.

Not just that.
The iPad comes out-

on my actual birthday.

It's like Steve Jobs and God
got together to say,
"We love you, Phil."

What is so great
about that doohickey anyhow?
"Doohickey," Elly May?

It's a movie theater,
a library and a music store...

all rolled into
one awesome pad.

A library is a place
where people get books.

A movie theater is a place
where people go on dates.

I better load the beach chair
into the trunk. I'm gonna need
it for the line in the morning.

Wait, honey. Hang on.
You can't spend
your birthday in line.

Well, not the whole day.
I have to be there at 6:00,
or forget about it.

Then I'm out by 10:00.
Why don't you let me do it?

S1 E19.pdf

