명령하는 TV
(모던 패밀리 시즌 1 EP 13) 무료 미드 대본 디즈니 플러스에서 볼 수 있습니다. 자막을 설정하여 쉐도잉 공부할 때 도움을 받을 수 있습니다. 대본을 이용해서 공부하는 쉐도잉으로 듣기와 말하기를 향상해 보세요.
Modern Family
Season 1 Episode 13
Phil : Can people change? Well, that's a... tough one that's a tough one but I would say "yes", people can change. That's what I believe, anyway. And I will until the day I die.
Claire : You do realize you're proving the exact opposite of your point?
Phil : See, she's changed. She used to be very supportive about me.
Claire : Come on... Phil!
Phil : Ow! Why is this so loud?
Claire : Why is this so loud? Make it stop.
Phil : I just installed a sweet home theater system at the family room. The trouble is... Claire struggles with technology. Of any kind. I mean, remotes, cell phones, computers...
Claire : Haley, have you seen my blue...
Dylan : Hey, Mrs. Dunphy.
Claire : Oh, hey, Dylan.
Dylan : You know I can see you, right?
Claire : Oh, I did not know that.
Dylan : Haley is just in the bathroom, she'll be back in just a minute?
Claire : Thank you.
Phil : What are we pointing at?
Claire : At the TV.
Phil : Honey, no, I'm sorry. It's a home theater.
Claire : What so I - I can't point at the TV when I wanna watch the TV?
모던 패밀리 시즌 10 전체 영문 스크립트 미드 섀도잉
FIFTEEN PERCENT (모던 패밀리 미드 시즌1 EP 13) 미드 대본